Wonderspa – Hot Tub Cleaning and Maintenance

Everything you need to keep you spa or hot tub a WonderSPA!



Range of Hot Tub and Spa Cleaning and Maintenance


Cartridge Cleaner

It doesn’t take long for the filters to become clogged with debris and grease which can have a drastic impact on performance. Spa Cartridge Cleaner will gently breakdown oily contaminants from the cartridge filters, restoring them to their efficient former glory.

Simply rinse off the filter with a hosepipe and submerge into a bucket of solution. Add 1 Litre of Cartridge Cleaner, to every 20 Litres of water. Leave to soak overnight or for at least 7 hours. Rinse off with the hose once again, and you’re good to go!

Crystal Spa Clarifier

Add a little sparkle to your spa water with Crystal Spa! Perfect for use with all spa and above ground pool filtration systems.

Cloudy water is caused by microscopic particles in the water which are too small for the filter to pick up. Crystal spa binds these particles together so they are large enough to be trapped within your filter, leaving you with a crystal clear spa.

Scale Doctor

Whilst some products will help prevent the buildup of limescale, WonderSPA Scale Doctor will also dissolve all limescale which has already built up over a period of time clogging your pipework, filters, jet nozzles, and pumps giving your system a deep clean throughout.

Due to the PH of a hot tub, limescale can quickly form which damages Heaters & pumps, not to mention seizing Jet Nozzles effecting the performance

Restore the silky smooth texture of your hot tub to how it was when first purchased, making your bathing far more comfortable

A complex blend of inhibitors to help protect the entire system from corrosion.

Spa No Foam

Cosmetics, oils and soaps will create foaming if allowed to build up in spa water.  Simply adding Trade Chem Spa No Foam will eliminate foam from spa water surfaces

Spas which experience excessive foaming should be drained and refilled

Weight N/A


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